Like a young elementary school student, I was wishing for a snow day today. I was hoping to see mounds of the fluffy, white stuff when I awoke this morning. But alas, once again, the weathermen in Southeast Virginia overstated the conditions. We don't have any on the ground - boo hoo! But in the essence of a more fun, light post, let's talk about what I would do if we had been snowed in.

1. Bundle up with Paddy and go for a walk in the snow around the neighborhood. I love taking walks in the snow. I remember when we lived in VA when I was in high school and got a big snow overnight and my parents woke me up and we went for a midnight walk in the snow...that was a really fun night.
2. When we're cold and sniffly from the walk, come home and make some cocoa and a hot breakfast - maybe Waffles with bacon or an omelet.
3. Read. I just finished David Lebovitz's The Sweet Life in Paris so I'm eager for a new read. I would love to spend an hour browsing the new kindle books on Amazon...something I definitely usually don't devote much time.
4. Watch some movies or Netflix. Yesterday I discovered the show Gossip Girl. I have certainly been missing a fab show - I could curl up and get caught up on this for hours!
5. Play in the snow in the backyard with Paddy. One of the best things about my pup is her love of cold and snowy weather. If it weren't for her getting snow and ice crusted in her paws, she would be out there all day.
6. Take a're probably picking up that I'm coming up with all of my favorite lazy day activities.
7. Do some crafts or something creative.
Here's wishing you have a snow day today!
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