Hi there! I'm Christine. Just a 30 year old gal living in Virginia, navigating life...mostly in imperfect ways. I spend my days as a consultant and my nights as a dreamy homemaker. I have an Old English Sheepdog named Paddy - she's a pretty cool dog and you can read more about her in "About Shaggy." Things I love...
* Sports - specifically the Boston Red Sox, New England Patriots and Boston Celtics
* Desserts
* Hosting parties
* Trashy television - Jersey Shore, The Bachelor, any Housewives
*Quality literature (yes I realize that's quite a juxtaposition with the previous item) - I'm a nonfiction buff
* Paris - it really is the best city on earth
* Daydreaming about my next adventure whether it's a local road trip, in the kitchen, on my sewing machine, or planning another an overseas vacation
*My alma mater, Bucknell University