The first of one of my "columns"....on imperfection. Today was imperfect in so many ways...I mean hello, it's Monday after all! I came home from work to quickly drop off my things and decided to run some errands. I've been long overdue to renew my passport and needed to get a new picture so I figured I would swing by CVS on my way to the grocery store (read: no breakfast food in the house and no coffee filters will very likely result in a VERY unhappy morning). As I bee bopped out the house before 6pm (read: very early for me to be home and out and about), I thought what a productive Monday evening I would have. I should have known I got into my car, I got a weird error message about the steering lock and it wouldn't start. I looked through the manual for a resolution and immediately called my Dad. After trying a few things to no avail, I stomped my feet (literally), yelled some obscenities and started to cry. Yes, I am 30 years old and still throw temper tantrums....mind you, there was no one to witness.
I did some quick research online and realized my little ride likely required a ride to the dealership for a repair. After calling AAA and hearing that my membership only covers a 5 mile tow (for real?!) and that I would have to pay $50-ish to have it towed to the dealer (enter more rage in my heart), I started frantically texting a friend to whine and complain. Hey, misery does indeed love company! Another moment that definitely highlighted my singlehood - no buddy to share in my misery. After a quick pep talk from my darling friend, I was back in business, mentally and emotionally speaking.
The tow guy came and successfully got my car out of the garage and over to the dealer. After the ordeal, I sat at my kitchen bar eating some leftover Chinese food and sipping a beer and I realized that while that was a big imperfection in my day, it wasn't the worst that could have happened. Luckily, I have the financial means to have my car repaired and have a few buddies who live close enough that I can get a ride to work. It really wasn't the end of the world even if the inconvenience felt like it. I can get by with some tea tomorrow morning and a granola bar for breakfast. I called my Dad to apologize for being curt with him as he tried to come up with ideas to resolve the steering lock issue. And then I promptly kicked back on the sofa with my sweet pup to unwind from this evening's excitement.
Imperfect Christine, signing off for this time.
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